Monday, January 30, 2012

Cape Coast and Cake

We ventured to Cape Coast this weekend.

Ghana is currently in the harmattan season, so it is dry and hazy here as the dust blows in from the Sahara. 

The grey day, rocky coast, and limpets reminded me a bit of our beloved Oregon Coast. In very exciting news, I was accepted into my top choice summer internship program! It is a month long program sponsored by the NSF in New York; I will be doing trauma research. The program ends June 29th, so I am hoping to have time to get out to Oregon! I can already taste the Grand Central...hehe. One of my friends in my program is from the Portland area, so I have had someone with whom I can share my love of Oregon.

The Cape Coast area is infamous for two slave castles, Cape and Elmina Castles. We had the opportunity to see the inside of Cape Castle, it was a harrowing sight and quite emotionally draining. The areas surrounding the castles, however, host very vibrant scenery.  

Two girls in my program had birthdays last week, so our program leaders surprised them (and us) with birthday CAKE (marble cake with a chocolate frosting)!!! The cake and frosting tasted different than their U.S. counterparts, the use of natural ingredients made both less sweet. Nonetheless, I was loving myself. I had two pieces and I would have had a third or fourth...or sixth if possible. 

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