Monday, March 12, 2012

Russian Roulette

My experiences with Ghanaians in Accra, specifically those outside of campus, have been all over the place, I never quite know what to expect. 

On numerous occasions I have been "hassled." I have been hassled by hawkers on the street, vendors wanting me to buy their goods, adults and children alike asking for money, men professing their love and asking for my hand in marriage, etc., etc. 

This weekend, while Mumee and I were walking downtown, I had a man grab my tush. I'm not talking about a casual brush or pat, cheeks were squeezed. Say whaaaaaat? I was a little flustered. There are times (like these) when it all seems like a little much, I just want to be left alone, able to walk down the street without attracting attention.

I have also found many Ghanaians who are friendly, helpful, polite,and respectful/conscious of personal space (and parts), haha...

Today was a good day. Every Ghanaian Mumee and I encountered was wonderful, taxi drivers, restaurant employees, and people on the street included.

YAY :)


  1. So glad you had a wonderful visit with Mumee, I love you! xoxoxo

  2. i second ashleigh's comment. so proud and love you!
